Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Happy New Year!

As 2016 rolls in I will begin planning for my trip across the country! I have sketched out my route based off Adventure Cycling Association's maps starting in New York City and ending on the coast of Portland, Oregon. The bulk of my route will consist of the TransAmerica Trail starting with the Atlantic Coast and finishing on the Lewis and Clark Trail.

My plan is to purchase the two Atlantic Coast maps that I need and see what they provide. Since I won't be taking off until late June, I plan on doing a few (long) weekend trips that include camping so I can get comfortable with that and hone in on what I can live without. Some of those weekend trips will include routes on the maps that I purchase and some will not. This way I get a taste of both worlds and will hopefully be prepared for anything during the XC trip.

I am also planning to raise money for a charity with 100% of the proceeds going to said charity. Stay tuned for more info on that.

Get on your bikes and ride!

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